
Ancient city at the confluence of two great rivers

It has all started eight thousand years ago, when one of the most prosperous civilizations of that time made its first settlement on the banks of Danube River. Today known as the Vinča Culture easily made its breach to the top of European prehistoric civilization.

Many battles were fought for Belgrade in ancient era

Great migrations in the Ancient Era brought many tribes to the confluence of Sava and Danube rivers. Thraco-Dacian and Illyric tribes left an indelible mark in the future city’s history. Followed by the Celtic invasion in 4th century BC, our settlement got its first remembered name – Singidun, City of Sings; and got first fortifications.

Celts could not do much against the most fearsome army of Ancient Era – the Roman legions. Thanks to the bravery of defenders, Roman Emperor Augustus had decided to keep its name in the memory of glorious battle, as well as to reward the city with Roman City rights. Singidunum became one of the most important strategic and trade points of the Roman Empire, promising to its future citizens a very rich history…

In 6th century Slavic tribes fall in love with the city, and named it Belgrad – the White City

During the 6th century AD, Slavic tribes began their migrations to the South and West. Southern tribes reached Singidunum and, amazed with the city’s white ramparts, gave new and the last name – Belgrade – the White City…

With the rise of great empires, Belgrade switched hands many times: its rulers were Bulgarians, Byzantines, Hungarians and first time Belgrade got in Serbian hands was in 1284. when king Stefan Dragutin got Srem county and Belgrade as a gift from his father in law, Hungarian king Ladislav IV. Belgrade became Serbian capital in 1405. due to Ottoman invasion from the South-East. It has been deflecting Ottoman assaults for more than a century, thus being the only protection between Ottoman force and the rest of Europe.

Although Ottomans made a very big mark

Finally, it fell into Ottoman hands in 1521. From that time on, Belgrade became the key battle point between Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian Empires. During the next 3 centuries, Belgrade has been rebuilt and destroyed many times…

With Serbian Uprisings and building of modern Serbian state, Belgrade once again became Serbian capital. Thanks to a great diversity of its citizens, Belgrade belonged both to Europe and Orient. Thanks to this uniqueness Belgrade has expanded to one of the most prosperous and most beautiful cities in Europe.

Modern Belgrade, capital of Serbia

With Serbian Uprisings and building of modern Serbian state, Belgrade once again became Serbian capital. Thanks to a great diversity of its citizens, Belgrade belonged both to Europe and Orient. Thanks to this uniqueness Belgrade has expanded to one of the most prosperous and most beautiful cities in Europe.

Today Belgrade is a leading key point in Balkan. With 2 million inhabitants Belgrade is rapidly evolving to a true metropolis. Just the same, its citizens are very proud to the witnesses of their city’s past – Vinčan archaeological park, Belgrade Fortress, Mt. Avala, medieval shrines and hundreds of monuments that remind us to our turbulent, yet quite unique legacy…

Everyone loves Belgrade

“Throughout my 15-day Balkans trip, I heard from fellow travelers, hoteliers, and others about what an amazing city it was. From the famous nightlife to the great grilled meats to the cafe culture, the capital of Serbia came highly recommended.”

Lonely Planet